If you miss your mortgage payments, you may lose your home through foreclosure. Your lender can use foreclosure as a legal means to repossess your home. If you owe more than your property is worth, a deficiency judgment is pursued. Both foreclosures and deficiency judgments have a negative impact on your future credit. You should avoid foreclosure if at all possible.
If you or someone you know… -Is facing foreclosure -Has experienced job loss -Is unable to make mortgage payments -Is behind on their mortgage -Has lost their job -Can’t sell their home because of market conditions …know that there are options available and people you can trust. Call me today!
Many will tell you what you CAN’T do. I will tell you what you CAN do.
Don't Lose Your Home to Foreclosure. As a Licensed Real Estate Broker, Certified Loan Originator, Certified Distressed Property Expert, Short Sale Specialist, I Can Help You! Over 30 Years of Experience Regina Zak Tomas, Chicagoland Brokers Inc. 773-520-1522